Sunday, November 11, 2007

Boring, boring and so much more boring!!!

If you got the idea that I´m bored, well then you are correct.

With this weeks league canceled, time just floated around, like everyone drifted to their destinations. If I´m not working, skipping on gym sessions or bowling those 2 days a week, I´m just laying on my ass doing absolutely nothing,

Although on next Friday I´m leaving for London, merry old England. And the purpose for this trip? You might ask, well both my sisters are coming, one from Austria and the other one from Denmark, and my dad is coming from Spain. So basically my mother and myself are flying from Iceland, but we all meet up at the Sanderson hotel in London ( which is b.t.w. the hippest hotel in town) and on Sunday a week from today we´re going to see a little band called Foo Fighters play live in the O2 arena, and the seats we got, well let´s just leave it at their good!

And since the 1st. of November, I´ve been completely home alone so there has been some extreme cooking going on, ( mostly dominos, but also subway and Chinese takeout ). It´s been nice having some peace and quiet for myself, nobody to boss me around or "ask" me to do stuff,

Well I´m going to stop right now , I´m kinda beat so I´m going to sleep but with these words in mind,

Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you get!

peace out

1 comment:

Anna C said...

sama hér þegar ég er á íslandi. Njóttu þess að slappa af, þú munt hugsa til baka þegar þú verður á fullu að læra og æfa.

hlakka til að sjá þig í London :)

Anna systir