Tuesday, November 18, 2008


A tradition many guys take seriously, No-Shave-November is something us unemployed, lazy college students with too much free time do every year. This year I´m a partaking in that tradition.

Originally as a fundraiser for various charities no shave november is something men could take great pride in doing, or basically an excuse for not shaving for a month.

It´s been 18 days now and the beard is coming in really annoying! Every waking moment I spend thinking about shaving it. I don´t know how some guys can have big thick beards, it´s itchy, gets in the way, food gets stuck in it and it doesn´t look good on many guys (including yours truly, especially this age)

By the end of the month before I shave I will post a picture, along with a post to let you see the tragedy :P

Otherwise only 26 days until I go home and probably the first thing I will do is get a pizza or a hot dog along with a tall frosty pint of beer! Also take a LONG nap in my bed.

That´s all for now