Wednesday, May 14, 2008

The Final Countdown

I really haven´t been paying attention to this poorly constructed blog so here´s what has happened between the last post and now...

School, bowling, wedding, old brides may hitting on me, more bowling, back injury and finals started.

With official school over, meaning that finals have started, I´ve already taken 2 finals before official finals week began and they both went really well and a high A in both classes can be expected. I´m literally counting down the hours until I can begin my 20 hour journey home. I have a final today at lunch, an English exam which is a written final(that means I don´t have to study for it because all I´m going to do is write an essay) then on Friday I have my Public Speaking final, and I need 55 points out of 100 to get a C for the class ( which is also a pass ) then on Monday I have my Astronomy final, the good thing about that final is that I´ve already passed the class before the final, I only need 30/100 to get a C which means I´ll get a high C or possibly a low B. The finals I already took were Human Comm and The Art of Dance where I can´t get lower than an A which means my GPA will be either high B or a low B depending on my last finals. After my finals I have two days to pack all my belongings(although I kinda went a little nuts the other day and packed most of my stuff so there is little to do). I have to get a storage space for my mini fridge and microwave and my bags which contain most of my clothing. I´ve been working really hard on my game with Justin Romeck, and it´s going pretty good, my swing is almost there and the release is on it´s way. So watch out WYC Orlando!!!

It´s Danielle´s birthday today so a happy birthday in order to her. My journey home will begin on May 22th and starts 7:50 in the morning with a flight from the ITC airport in Wichita although I´m going to the airport at 1 or 2 a.m. or about 5 hours before my flight and fly for about 2 hours to Minneapolis, Minnesota. In Minneapolis I have to wait for 9 hours so what I´m going to do is go to the Mall of America for a couple of hours, shop a little and get some junk food before my 6 hour flight back to Iceland where I´ll arrive about 7 in the morning and my parents are flying to London the same morning so we are going to meet inside the airport and pull of the greatest switch in history, where they give me their car keys and I take their car home from the airport! Brilliant! I know!!!

Right now it´s about 00:40 and I´m waiting to see Gavin DeGraw perform on Last Call with Carson Daily(which is a lame talk show but it´s going to be worth it)

There´s nothing much coming up for me except finishing my finals and returning home, where I will probably pass out from all the eating I will do, because over here in Americaland they don´t have any good candy or food (that isn´t fast food)

That´s all for now, I will make a new post as soon as I get my grades but adios.


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