Monday, February 18, 2008

A very busy man

Sorry but I´ve been very busy this last week,

two tests, one report, one paper and one showcase.

First I had to do a discussion question in Astronomy and the question was:

Einstein´s discovery that energy and mass are equivalent has led to technological developments that are both beneficial and dangerous

Overall, do you think that we would be better or worse off if we had never discovered that mass is a form of energy?

Then I had to take an Astronomy quiz, which was kinda unfair because we were being quizzed out of 4 chapter and then quiz was made of 10 multi choice questions and 3 short answers ... I think I did alright, but not to good though ....

Then it was time for the Human Communication quiz, it was made out of 40 multi choice and roughly 10 true and false
questions. The teacher claimed that she wouldn´t trick us and she was right on in that department, however some of the questions were a little misleading, but overall I think I did pretty well... so from there I had to hand in my English composition paper on a sports event, I managed to squeeze out 500 words on that ( it was only a first draft) so I have more time to work on it.

And then we had the "showcase" for a course I´m taking called The Art of dance, and we were split in to groups of 3 and we had to create a minute long routine, and I was in group with Lea and Rebecka, and we did more of a performance ( storytelling) than dancing, we used the song "Pussy Liquor" by Rob Zombie and I think we had the best act of all. The teacher really loved it, and I´m using this course to pull up my GPA, but I´m also enjoying it because it´s a lot of fun.

Also last week I drilled up a couple of balls, an Ultra Zone, Pepsi Spare ball and today a Rapid Fire. I drilled the Ultra Zone with the pin below my ring finger with the CG a quarter inch kicked out, and the ball picks up real early and rolls good, the Pepsi spare ball looks real cool and for the Rapid Fire, we´ll find out tomorrow how good it is!

I didn´t get to bowl all that much last week, so this week i´m gonna try to get at least 12 hours

Today I bought a "32 VIZIO HDTV :)
So finally I don´t have to watch tv anymore in the common room

But anyways that´s all for now...


1 comment:

Anna C said...

bíddu... þetta eru bara quiz, þess vegna er svona mikið af multiple answers og true/false. Því þau geta verið erfið og "tricky" eins og þú sagðir. Vonandi eru alvöru prófin með minna af því og meira af bara spurningum sem þú átt að svara.

cool nöfn á kúlunum og flott að þú ert komin með sjónvarp, nóg að horfa á í bandarísku sjónvarpi ;)