Just when everything was perfect, everything was set, I was ready, packed and very very very very very excited. So excited that I didn´t even fall a sleep until a few hours before the flight, and then I was awoken by some horrible news. My father walks in the room and tells me that our flight to London has been delayed indefinite, at the time it wasen´t such bad news, and two reasons why. The first one being that I had just woke up from a 2 hour sleep and the second one being that I thought there was like an hour or 2 delay.
And after a few more hours of sleep I found out that the delay would be more than a couple of hours, and then I just spent the day in my sweats rolling around in self pity and cursing the weather in Iceland. Meanwhile my mother was calling everyone she knew, trying to get us on flight that would take off, turned out we just had to wait and see. then finally at 5 p.m. we could go to the airport and it was a rough ride on the way to the airport, I just felt lucky getting in the air that day.
The first good thing happened at the airport when me and my parents went to the Saga Class business lounge, because they are gold card members they can ask for an upgrade in the flight, so they asked for an upgrade and then we went in to the lounge and had some drinks. Then the lady who requests the upgrades for guests came to us and told us that we could all have upgrades ( including me) only if we switch to another flight to London, so without even thinking about it we switched and it was a good flight.
Then we finally got to London and walked over to the London Airport Hilton and got a room and then went down to get some dinner and a few drinks, and then went to bed after a long and horrible day. Then we woke up around 11 and packed what we had unpacked, and then checked out of the hotel and started what was going to be a really long and dreadful day. So when we got to the terminal we checked in to the flight and then found out there would be a slight delay on our flight from London to Munich, and this was not very good news for us because the check in for our flight from Munich to Male ( the Maldives). It turned out that the delay was 30 minutes so throughout the flight we were a little bit worried that we would miss the check-in, so when we landed in Munich we almost ran through the airport and to the check-in, despite the very "good" information and "help" we got from airport staff members. The important thing was that we got there just in the nick of time, and the woman who checked us in was so very helpful and very nice which was really comforting after our travel disaster, but that didn´t change the fact that when we finally got to the airplane that was gonna take us to our final destination was more compact than the back seat of a supercar! and we we´re gonna spend the next 9 hours there. And to make bad worse, the only thing they were showing on tv was commercials and a movie from the 1980´s, until the last 4 hours of the flight, then they showed The Simpson´s movie, which came to a shock to me because of the crap this airline was.
Then when we finally arrived, and I had been awake for almost 26 hours a man from our resort welcomed us and took us to the yacht that was taking us to the island the resort was on. And the really bad news he gave us was that is was gonna be another hour before we came to our final destination, and although the yacht was really nice and the service on board even better that didn´t change the fact that I was feeling so weak from the travel that I got sea sick from all the commotion in the waves, however I managed not to throw up. When we arrived on the island I just craved to lie down and take a nap, and the wait just got longer and longer, we had to fill out some forms, then they took us on a ride on a golf cart to our cabin, and although the ride was only 5 minutes it felt like 50. But we finally got to the cabins and we were greeted by my 2 older sisters and we caught up and were just all excited being here and we were ready to start our relaxing vacation.
I didn´t really accomplish much the first day, for the reason I was on my 40.th hour awake at the end of the day but we had a late lunch and then dinner in the evening. And the evening ended with me basically knocking myself out do to being real tired, but that nights sleep was the best I´ve ever slept, I think. Yesterday we started our day with some island breakfast and then went on a golf cart touring the island. It has been almost a tradition for me and my dad to play tennis when we go on holiday, but the crazy thing about it we always seem to do it around noon ( which is the hottest time of the day, no matter where in the world you are). So we went and played and it was like running a marathon in a Finnish sauna, but like the soldier I am I won the 1.st set 6-1 and the second set 6-3, although in the second set I was down 2-1 after 3 sets. After that crazy "fun" me and my sisters had an appointment in the spa, and had a Bali something massage. When I went in to the changing room before the massage, I took a tropical shower and relaxed a little in the pool they had, then I got dressed in this really tiny spandex, fishnet man panties which didn´t cover anything at all because they were see-through. But anyways I just put them on and the robe they gave me and went out to this tent where I waited for the woman who would give me the massage. Then this cute and lovely Indian woman named April and took me to this little cabin, but before we went in she gave me a great foot massage and then we went in and she gave me a superb massage.
After the massage I just went back to our lodge to lay down and enjoy the air condition, then it was pretty much late so we went to dinner and then had a few drinks but then it was time to go back and again I fell a sleep very hard. Today we started the day again with breakfast, then me, dad and my sister went and played some badminton, billiard and table tennis. And I was unbeatable at table tennis( ping pong) until after like 8 rounds of ping pong, my dad was like an animal and won 5 matches in a row. So we were pretty beat after all that playing so we went back to the house and me and Ásdís ( my sister) went swimming in the ocean looking for lagoon sharks.
Well that´s pretty much all for now, tomorrow we´re going snorkeling and I´m gonn put in some photos from the vaca ;)
So I´m out for now.
Peace out